Friday, June 4, 2010

My Girls....

I can't talk about God and what He is doing in my life without talking about the sweetest of all blessings that I get to kiss each morning and tuck in each night. Harper Leigh. And Baylor Kate. My girls!

With all the tutu's and hair-bows decorating my house, you'd never know that I wished for boys. I thought I was going to be "Tim the Tool Man Taylor's" wife with three sarcastic boys. I wanted to be her. I wanted jerseys and cleats. I am so grateful that what "I want" isn't always what God wants for me.

How then would I know the joy of watching twenty little toes pirouette around the living room carpet? How would I know how precious it is to overhear your little one "playing Mom", and actually saying something nice? How would I know the tenderness of bouncing curls down the sides of my arms with a sleepy head rolling on my shoulder? How would I know that your heart really can love another one just as much? How would I understand the power of "sisters?"

I wouldn't.

God is so good! He knows what we need, despite what we think we want. My goal now is to surrender all areas of my life to Him! How much richer will my life be when the outcome is aligned with His Plan? We will see.

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