I've been saved by the blood of Jesus for many years. It is a word that was heavily used at junior high youth group...
saved. Sometimes it seemed like they were trying to tally up how many kids got saved that night and then the responsibility would fall on the church body to follow up and disciple those kids. And sometimes people get saved from disaster, like "hiding in that closet saved our lives." Other times people are rescued or plucked out of a nasty situation. Well Monday night I was rescued!
It was the sneakiest, most brilliant of plots that was born on a Friday afternoon at the pool and was put into action Monday night at 6pm. Early Monday Nick sent me a text that read, "Be ready at 6. I have a sitter lined up." OK, my hubby is wonderful but the babysitter responsibilities usually fall on my shoulders. I immediately called to see if he had bumped his head or was delerious from being in the sun too long. He assured me that the plans were real and that we would have a good time. I couldn't believe it. I spent all day imagining where he was going to take me.
Was it a romantic picnic overlooking the most scenic stretch at the golf course? Was it our usual, RAW? Was he taking me to Monroe or Shreveport for a concert that I didn't know about? The possibilities were endless.
Right after lunch I took the girls into town to pick up a few things. I was secretly thinking that I should try to find something special to wear tonight since it must be a special night since he found a sitter. I settled for a new set of colorful bangle bracelets and matching earrings that I could wear with several different items in my closet. We got home and I insisted that the girls nap so they wouldn't be cranky for the sitter and I even tried to get a power nap in so I wouldn't be tired if we were out past 8. I know, I'm old. Don't laugh because half of you are the same way. I added an extra rim of liner around my eyes to give me an edgy look, tousled my wavy hair and even wore my lacy drawers because
my man found a sitter and planned a date. Oh yeah! (I'm saying that in my head with the voice of Vector from Despicable Me...Piranha Gun, oh yeah!)
As I was touching up my face I noticed that he wasn't completely dressed yet. He said, "I'm waiting for you to get done in the bathroom, then I'll get ready." When I noticed that the sitter wasn't there, he said, "Oh, she is running a little late." And when I heard heels clicking on the hardwood and five of my greatest friends, decked out to the nines, yelled, "Surpriiiiiiseeeee," he just grinned in the background.
I stood still, mouth agape, and soaked in the love and concern that these girls had for me to plan such a special night. Between the six of us there are sixteen children and one on the way that had to be accounted for. I guess more than one dad was in on the surprise. I kindly accepted the Styrofoam cup that was plunged into my hand, smiled back at Nick, peeled a screaming Harper off of my leg, and shut the front door to head out for a much needed estrogen filled night!
The details of our night aren't the important part of the story. The important part is the love. These girls, along with several other extremely important ones in a different state, went through this journey with me. They were texting and blog-stalking fools from April 19 when we entered North Louisiana Medical Center to May 26 when we finally came home, even up to yesterday when we journeyed back to Little Rock to have the doctor say, "She looks good! Let's take the pick line out so she can be free." These girls have been through it all with me.
Girlfriends can be a tricky business. My best childhood friends live in Texas along with several college teammates. The first ones I call usually have a 903 area code. Moving here after Harper was born meant reestablishing myself in an existing network of women. Sometimes the boundaries are evident and other times they are invisible. Like, you will only get so far here but you can still try. I have prayed about friends and even bawled my eyes out at community group advertising myself as a good friend if anyone was interested. I guess I had some takers. And while I still have a handful of women that I consider "sisters" that weren't able to make it on Monday, I know you love me too and I am ever so grateful and aware of that.
I guess what I am really trying to say is Thank You. You girls planned a night for me that I wouldn't have organized for myself in reality, only in theory. I've already said, "You know, I should get all my girls together for a night out," knowing that I wouldn't plan that for myself. But you all did. You rescued me. And I am grateful.